Student Absences/Attendance
At Redlynch State College, student attendance and safety is a high priority.
We know that students who attend regularly are more likely to be successful and safe at school.
To notify the College of your child’s absence
- SMS - Preferred method
Wait until you receive a text message from the College.
Send your answer using the “Reply” option on your phone.
Your reply is automatically recorded against the student for whom the text was sent, for that absence, for that day. There are no other options available for SMS.
- Telephone
Phone 07 4039 9294 and leave a voice message stating your child’s name, class, the reason for the absence and your contact number.
This line is dedicated for absence messages and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Absence Note
Provide a note to Student Services (not a class teacher) advising the name and class of the student, the reason for the absence and the date the student was/will be away.
Please note we can not accept email nofication for any absence.
- In person
Please see Student Services personnel on either campus (not the class teacher)
This ensures our accountability and your child’s safety/wellbeing.
Application for Exemption
Absences for Longer Than Ten (10) Consecutive School Days
If a student will be absent for eleven or more consecutive school days parents can apply for an Exemption from Compulsory Schooling. The application form is available from Student Services on either campus, or can be downloaded via this link:
Application for ExemptionPlease return completed applications to Student Services for processing.
Students with Dual Family Living Arrangements
SMS Absence Notifications for students with dual family living arrangements
SMS absence notification can be sent to each parent in each household where the child(ren) reside.
A Parent can register to receive this SMS if they:
• Have the child(ren) residing in their care during the school term
• Are recorded as being a legal parent of the child(ren)
• Do not have any legal or custody orders against this matter
To avoid duplication of replies, we ask that only the parent who has care of the student on that day respond to the SMS.